Set up your profile, manage your notifications and set your timezone in Brightspace.
1 page
Learn to navigate Brightspace, request and copy course sites
8 pages
Add teaching team and quiz accommodations, send email, view student progress and more
3 pages
Build, control visibility, assess. modify and delete assignments.
6 pages
Create structure, add files, multimedia and other resources, edit and modify content.
9 pages
Create discussion forums and topics, modify and assess discussions, view activity.
8 pages
Configure your gradebook settings, build grade items, prepare final grades and more.
8 pages
Build a question library with different question types, create and grade quizzes.
20 pages
Activate and deactivate your course, format content, control access to activities.
11 pages
Organize students in group, communicate with students via email, track attendance.
2 pages
Promote engagement through announcements, surveys and intelligent agents.
4 pages
Build and apply rubrics to activities, learn to assess different course activities.
2 pages
Learn how to host content for the general public on Brightspace Community
5 pages
An online meeting or webinar tool for courses, departments, or university events.
29 pages
A video platform tool to create, share, and stream on-demand videos.
26 pages
Synchronous/asynchronous slide-based presentation and conversation tool.
22 pages
Interactive video platform that transforms passive observation into active learning.
23 pages
An interactive tool where you can create and conduct polls and collect responses.
15 pages
A tool for creating interactive videos, quizzes, and presentations.
4 pages
A digital badging platform that awards badges based on predefined earning criteria.
4 pages
ePortfolio tool that allows students to share work with fellow students and public
1 page
Create assignments, exams and quizzes for efficient grading.
1 page
A cloud-based team collaboration software that is part of the Office 365 suite.
1 page
Proctoring solutions for use in fully online courses for high-stakes assessments.
10 pages
Learn which technologies are supported by UCATT.
1 page
Learn strategies to make courses more accessible across tools and technologies.
6 pages
Supported browsers and versions and system requirements for supported technologies
2 pages
View Brightspace course access, deletion, copyright and FERPA policy information.
6 pages
General Information on how digital resources are integrated into Brightspace.
1 page
Contact our team for assistance.
1 page
Schedule a one-on-one consultation with a team member.
1 page
Get to know the background and experience of the team members.
13 pages