Install Zoom

You will want to have the Zoom client installed on your computer, mobile device, or tablet to be able to join Zoom meetings. When we use the term "Zoom client" or "desktop app", we mean the application that you install on your computer or device. The icon that either resides on your desktop, mobile screen, or within your programs/applications folder on your computer is what we are referring to when we say "Zoom client" or "Zoom desktop app".

The following steps will walk you through how to install the Zoom client on your computer.

Step 1

In a web browser, go to the Zoom Download (opens in new tab) page.

Step 2

Under Zoom Workplace desktop app, select the Download button.

Zoom Download Center

The Zoom installer will automatically start downloading the Zoom desktop client to your computer. For Windows users, the file will be named ZoomInstallerFull.exe. For macOS users, the file will be named zoomusInstallerFull.pkg.

Step 3

Locate the file that was downloaded, usually located within your downloads folder on your computer, and open up that file to go through the installation process.

Step 4

After the Zoom desktop client installation process is complete, a Zoom icon will appear on your desktop. Open up the Zoom desktop client to begin the sign in process. To learn how to properly sign in, visit Sign in to Zoom Client.

Zoom client icon

To download Zoom on an iOS or android mobile device, view How to download the Zoom mobile app (opens in new tab).