Use Appointment Scheduler as Instructor

With the Zoom Appointment Scheduler available within the D2L integration, instructors can create schedules for virtual office hours. Once a schedule has been created, students can book appointments and instructors can join the appointments all from within the D2L course.


  • Appointments that have already been scheduled will not be deleted when an Instructor edits their schedule
  • Currently does not support Personal Meeting IDs or students as the host.
  • An instructor with a Join Only license will have the Appointments tab disabled.

Create an Appointment Schedule

Step 1

Sign in to D2L and access your course.

Step 2

Within the course Navbar select UA Tools and then select Zoom.

Step 3

Select the Appointments tab.

Zoom D2L appointment scheduler interface

Step 4

Select My Schedules.

Zoom D2L appointment scheduler interface

Step 5

Select + Create Schedule.

Zoom D2L appointment scheduler interface

Step 6

Under New Bookable Schedule set the days you are available to meet with students.

Step 7

Enter the time slots you are available on the selected days. There must be a start and end time, and the slots can not overlap.

Zoom D2L appointment scheduler interface

Step 8

(Optional) Enable Follow the same schedule each day to set the time schedule for each selected day.

Step 9

(Optional) Enable End repeat on and select the ending date. Students will not be able to schedule appointments after this date, if enabled.

Step 10

Enter the duration for how long appointments should last. Options are 15, 30, 45, or 60 minutes.

Step 11

Enter a name for your event.

(Optional) Add a description for the events.

Step 12

Select Create.

Edit an Appointment Schedule

Step 1

Locate the schedule created in the section above.

Step 2

Next to the desired schedule, select Edit.

Step 3

Edit the schedule as desired.

Step 4

Select Save.

Delete an Appointment Schedule

Step 1

Locate the schedule created in the section above.

Step 2

Next to the desired schedule, select Delete.

Step 3

When prompted for confirmation, select Delete. All upcoming meetings that were utilizing the schedule will be deleted.

Start a Scheduled Appointment

Step 1

Sign in to D2L and access your course.

Step 2

Within the course Navbar select UA Tools and then select Zoom.

Step 3

Select the Appointments tab.

Step 4

Select Upcoming Events.

If the student is not a user with a Zoom account, the email address displayed will be the email utilized in the LMS.

Zoom D2L appointment scheduler interface

Step 5

Select Start, to start the appointment and launch the meeting.

(Optional) Select Cancel to cancel the appointment.

Zoom D2L appointment scheduler interface

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