Change Default Visibility Settings

In the PlayPosit Instructor Account sidebar menu, there is an item named Premade Bulbs. In Premade Bulbs you'll find Bulbs and Playlists created by other users that you can copy, edit, and use for your purposes. Learn more at Locate, Copy, & Edit Premade Bulbs.

Sidebar menu interface

You can search for bulbs within two categories: All PlayPosit and University of Arizona Media. University of Arizona Media includes bulbs created by other UArizona PlayPosit users. By default, the Bulbs you create will be searchable in University of Arizona Media category (but not in the larger All PlayPosit category).

If you prefer not to share your Bulbs and Playlists with other UArizona PlayPosit users, you can update your settings by following the steps below.

Step 1

Navigate to your PlayPosit Instructor Dashboard (Access PlayPosit) and select your name in the sidebar menu. This will open your User Profile.

Instructor dashboard interface

Step 2

Select User Settings from within your User Profile.

Step 3

Find the Instructor Visibility section. Select Bulbs & Playlists are private. (not visible in Premade Bulbs & Media Library) from the list of options.

User Settings interface

Step 4

Select the Save button to confirm your selection.

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