Delete Content
Delete Individual Modules
Step 1
Select Content in the navbar.
Step 2
Select the Module you want to remove in the Table of Contents.
Step 3
Select the Actions Menu icon to the right of the title of the module in the right pane (inverted chevron to the right of the title).
Step 4
Select Delete Module.
Step 5
Select to first option to Remove the module and all nested modules and topics. With this option, the associated files and activities linked in the module remain in the course. Only the links to the files and activities removed from the module.
The recommended, and default, option when deleting a module is to "Remove the module and all nested modules and topics from Content but keep all associated files and activities in the course." Selecting the second option to Permanently delete all activities and associated files is irreversible and will delete all files and activities in the selected module from the course.
Step 6
After making the selection, select Delete.
Delete All Modules
Step 1
Select Content in the navbar.
Step 2
Select Table of Contents.
Step 3
Select Actions Menu icon to the right of the Table of Contents in the right pane (inverted chevron to the right of the title).
Step 4
Select Delete All Modules.
Step 5
Select to first option to Remove the module and all nested modules and topics. With this option, the associated files and activities linked in the module remain in the course. Only the links to the files and activities removed from the module.
The recommended, and default, option when deleting a module is to "Remove the module and all nested modules and topics from Content but keep all associated files and activities in the course." Selecting the second option to Permanently delete all activities and associated files is irreversible and will delete all files and activities in the selected module from the course.
Step 6
After making the selection, select Delete.
Delete Individual Topics
Step 1
In the Table of Contents, select the module that contains the topic to delete.
Step 2
From the list of topics in the module in the right panel, select the Actions Menu icon (inverted chevron to the right of the title).
Step 3
Select Delete Topic.
Step 4
Decide if you want to delete the file associated with the topic. The default is not to delete the file (this is the safe option). With this option, the file is recoverable. Just the link is removed from content. If you want to delete everything permanently, select the second option to permanently delete and remove both the link from content and the associated file (no possibility to recover).
Step 5
After making the selection, select Delete.