Quiz Statistics, Logs & Reports
On This Page:
Access User, Question, and Question Details Stats
These display the score distribution, class average, and each participant's grade on a quiz.
Quiz statistics are not computed for questions in a Question Pool.
Step 1
Select Quizzes from the course navbar.
Step 2
Click on the Statistics tab.
Step 3
Click on the name of the quiz you wish to view.
Step 4
Click on one of the tabs:
- User Stats: These display the score distribution, class average, and each participant's grade on a quiz.
All participants who completed an attempt at the quiz are listed in this section. Use the Search For box if you would like to search for a specific participant.
- Question Stats: These display the score distribution, average score, standard deviation, discrimination index, and point biserial on a question.
To view a particular question, click on the name in the Question column.
- Question Details: These display each question, the correct answer, the percentage of times each answer was selected, and the average grade, standard deviation, point biserial, and discrimination index.
Standard deviation, point biserial, and discrimination index statistics are not available at the question level when your quiz contains a [LINK: Question Pool].
Access Class Attempt Logs
Track when students started a quiz, how many attempts they took per quiz, and who has deleted a student's quiz attempt. You can also track IP addresses and when answers are saved without having to go into each individual student's log (see section 6 below).
Step 1
Next to the Quiz, click the Actions Menu icon and select Attempt Logs.
Step 2
Click on the tabs to see when each student entered the quiz, completed it, deleted a quiz attempt, or who restored a deleted quiz attempt.
Step 3
Select Detailed to see all this information simultaneously, plus student IP Addresses and when each answer was saved.
Access Individual Student’s Log
D2L keeps a log of every student's activity in a quiz. Whenever a student enters a quiz, saves an answer, changes pages, and so forth, an entry is made into that student's individual Quiz Log.
Step 1
Click the Quizzes tab in the course navbar.
Step 2
Click the quiz's Action menu icon and select Grade.
Step 3
Click the Attempt # beneath a student's name to open their quiz attempt.
Step 4
Click on the Quizzes Event Log.