Use Custom Grade Schemes
On This Page
Copy Grade Schemes
Step 1
Select Grades from the course Navbar.
Step 2
Select the Schemes tab located top left, next to the Manage Grades tab.
Step 3
Select the More Actions button, then choose Copy.
Step 4
Select the Grade Scheme you want to copy.
You can copy a Grade Scheme from any D2L course site you have Instructor access to. Also, some Grade Schemes are shared across the University; you can copy these, as well.
Step 5
Select the Copy button.
Step 6
Select the Copy button.
Step 7
Enter the name of the new Scheme.
Step 8
Select Copy.
Step 9
In the Set as Default column, select the checkmark to set the copied scheme as the default.
Step 10
Select Yes to confirm the action.
Create Custom Grade Schemes
Step 1
Select Grades from the course Navbar.
Step 2
Select the Schemes tab located top left, next to the Manage Grades tab.
Step 3
Select the New Scheme button.
Step 4
Enter a Name for the new Grade Scheme.
Step 5
Enter the Symbol for each of your grade ranges. The Symbol is what displays to course participants. It can be a letter (A, B, C, etc.) or a description (Excellent, Satisfactory, etc.).
Step 6
Enter the Start % of each grade range. This is the lowest percentage for that range. For example, the Start % for an A Letter Grade would customarily be 90%.
Step 7
If you need to add additional ranges to your new scheme, enter the number of ranges you want to add in the Number of Ranges text field, then select Add Ranges.
Step 8
Select Save and Close to save your scheme.
Grade Ranges are listed in reverse order, beginning with 0. This means that your lowest grade range should be entered first.
It is not necessary to enter values in the Assigned Value % text fields. D2L will assign the values based on the Start % you enter per range.
Edit Grade Schemes
Step 1
Select Grades from the course Navbar.
Step 2
Select the Schemes tab located top left, next to the Manage Grades tab.
Step 3
Select the name of the Grade Scheme you want to edit.
Step 4
Make the desired changes.
Step 5
Select Save and Close.
Delete Grade Schemes
Step 1
Select Grades from the course Navbar.
Step 2
Select the Schemes tab located top left, next to the Manage Grades tab.
Step 3
Select the More Actions button, then choose Delete.
Step 4
Check the box to the left of the Grade Scheme you'd like to delete.
Step 5
Select Delete.
Step 6
Select Delete again to confirm the action.
Apply Grade Schemes
Step 1
Select Grades from the course Navbar.
Step 2
Verify that you are on the Manage Grades view.
Step 3
Locate the Grade Item you want to apply the Curved Scheme to, then select the Actions Menu icon.
You can connect Grade Schemes to Grade Items, the Final Calculated Grade, or the Final Adjusted Grade.
Step 4
Choose Edit.
Step 5
Scroll down to the Grade Scheme area, then toggle the selection to your Curved Grade Scheme.
Step 6
Select Save and Close.
Curve Grades with Custom Grade Schemes
Step 1
Select Grades from the course Navbar.
Step 2
Select the Schemes tab located top left, next to the Manage Grades tab.
Step 3
Select the More Actions button, then choose Copy.
Step 4
Choose the University of Arizona Standard Letter Grade scheme, then select Copy.
Step 5
Select Copy of the University of Arizona Standard Letter Grade scheme. You must work with the copied scheme rather than with the shared scheme.
Step 6
Enter curved percentages in the Start % column for each range.
Step 7
Enter a name for the Curved Scheme.
Step 8
Select Save and Close.
Step 9
Select the Manage Grades tab (top left).
Step 10
Locate the Grade Item you want to apply the Curved Scheme to, then select the Actions Menu icon.
Step 11
Choose Edit.
Step 12
Scroll down to the Grade Scheme area, then toggle the selection to your Curved Grade Scheme.
Step 13
Select Save and Close.