Map Zoom Cloud Recording to Specific Panopto Folder

If you want your Zoom cloud recordings to automatically go to a different folder other than the default "Meeting Recordings" Panopto folder or D2L course Panopto folder, you can change the folder location. Follow the instructions below to change those settings. 

Step 1

Within a web browser access Panopto. Instructions for doing so can be found on the Access Panopto help page.

Step 2

Select your profile icon in the upper right corner.

Panopto User Setting Interface

Step 3

From the dropdown menu that appears, select User Settings.

Panopto User Setting Interface

Step 4

On the User Settings pop-up window, find the Meeting Import Settings section.

Step 5

Select the Add New link to create a folder mapping for a meeting that you own.

Panopto User Setting Interface

Step 6

Fill out the following information:

  • Meeting ID: Enter your Zoom meeting ID in the text box. Remove the spaces from the meeting ID and enter only the numbers.
  • Folder Name: Select the dropdown menu and select the Panopto folder to which you would like this meeting to be saved. If the folder you are seeking doesn't appear, you can start typing its name to search for it.

Panopto User Setting Interface

Step 7

Select Save to save this mapping, or Cancel to exit without saving.

You can repeat the above steps to map additional Zoom meetings to specific folders.

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