Install Panopto Recorder

There are two ways to record with Panopto. One way is through the Panopto Recorder, which is an application that can be installed on your computer or device. This help page will walk you through how to download and install the Panopto Recorder.

For detailed instructions written by Panopto, view their following support pages:

How to Download and Install Panopto for Windows (opens in a new tab)

How to Download and Install Panopto for Mac (opens in a new tab)

Step 1

Sign in to Panopto either via a Brightspace course or via the Panopto website.

Step 2

Select the + Create button.

Panopto web interface

Step 3

Select Panopto for Windows or Panopto for Mac, depending on your operating system.

Panopto web interface

Step 4

Select Download Panopto in the window that pops up to begin downloading the application.

Panopto web interface

Step 5

Locate the PanoptoRecorder.exe (on PC) or Panopto.pkg (for Mac) file in your downloads and open and run the application. The installer will self-extract and begin the installation.

Step 6

Leave all of the default settings for locations and web servers and select the Next button.

Panopto recorder installation interface

Step 7

Select Install and the installation will begin. Once Panopto is installed you will be able to open the application and will be prompted to sign in.