Request Brightspace Course Sites Using the Course Site Request Tool (CSR)
On This Page:
Request New Brightspace Course Sites (Credit Bearing Courses)
Remove Sections from Existing Course Sites
Add Sections to Existing Course Sites
Request Non-Credit Bearing Course Sites (Development and Non-Term)
Request New Brightspace Course Sites (Credit Bearing Courses)
Instructors must create a new Brightspace site for a credit-bearing course each term that the course is taught.
To use CSR, you must be listed as the Primary Instructor in the UAccess Schedule of Classes. If you are an instructor and your course is unavailable in CSR, contact the department to verify your status as the Primary Instructor.
Step 1
Navigate to Brightspace (opens in a new tab).
Step 2
Scroll down to the Instructor Resources Brightspace area (below My Courses).
If your Homepage does not contain the Instructor Resources Brightspace area, navigate directly to the CSR tool (opens in new tab) and go to Step 4.
Step 3
Select Course Site Request Tool (CSR).
Step 4
Log in to CSR with your UA NetID and password.
Step 5
Select Create a D2L site for your (credit-bearing) courses.
Step 6
Use the Term dropdown menu to select the correct term.
Step 7
Enter the number of course sites you want to create.
Step 8
Select Continue.
Step 9
Locate the course you want to build, then select and hold down on the handle (located to the left of the course title). Then, drag the course to the drop field (right-hand column). You can also drag individual sections to the drop field.
An entire course can be created with associated sections, or individual sections can be added to the course site. For 7 week courses it is important to make sure the sections moved to the course site belong to the appropriate 7 week session.
Courses and sections can be moved using the Actions Menu to the next to the Course or section name.
Step 10
Select Continue.
Step 11a
Verify the course(s) and section(s) configuration. If you do not want to copy a course from a previous semester, select Build. If you want to copy a course from last term, see Step 11b
Step 11b
If you do want to copy a course from a previous semester, choose Select Course to Copy. Choose the course you want to copy, select Confirm, then select Build.
The option to copy content from a previously offered course is available now during course creation but you can skip this option and copy a course at a later time by using the Import/Export/Copy Components tool in Brightspace.
Step 12
The next screen provides confirmation of the course build. Select the course name to go directly to the course site in Brightspace. Students will be enrolled in 2-3 hours.
Course sites are activated at around noon, seven days before the course start date. If you build a course within seven days of the start date, it will be active immediately.
Remove Sections from Existing Course Sites
Step 1
Navigate to Brightspace (opens in a new tab).
Step 2
Scroll down to the Instructor Resources Brightspace area (below My Courses).
Step 3
Select Course Site Request Tool (CSR).
Step 4
Log in to CSR with your UA NetID and password.
Step 5
Select Add/Remove sections from a course site.
Step 6
Verify the Term (top left).
Step 7
Locate the section you want to remove, then select the Remove icon (trash can) corresponding to the section (far right).
Step 8
Confirm that you want to remove the section by choosing Confirm.
Removing all sections from a course site will delete the course site and unenroll all students and the instructor(s).
Add Sections to Existing Course Sites
Step 1
Navigate to Brightspace (opens in a new tab).
Step 2
Scroll down to the Instructor Resources Brightspace area (below My Courses).
Step 3
Select Course Site Request Tool (CSR).
Step 4
Log in to CSR with your UA NetID and password.
Step 5
Select Add/Remove sections from a course site.
Step 6
Verify the Term (top left).
Step 7
Locate the course site you want to add a section to. Then, select the Add icon (plus sign) located to the far right of the course name.
Step 8
Using the checkbox, select the section you want to add to the course.
Step 9
Select Add.
Delete Course Sites
Removing all sections from a course site will delete the course site and unenroll all students and the instructor(s).
Step 1
Navigate to Brightspace (opens in a new tab).
Step 2
Scroll down to the Instructor Resources Brightspace area (below My Courses)).
Step 3
Select Course Site Request Tool (CSR).
Step 4
Log in to CSR with your UA NetID and password.
Step 5
Select Add/Remove sections from a course site.
Step 6
Verify the Term (top left).
Step 7
Locate the course you want to delete, then select the Remove icon (trash can) corresponding to each section (far right).
Step 8
Confirm that you want to remove the section by choosing Confirm.
Step 9
Continue to remove all sections until none are left.
Request Non-Credit Bearing Course Sites (Development and Non-Term)
Step 1
Navigate to Brightspace (opens in a new tab).
Step 2
Scroll down to the Instructor Resources Brightspace area (below My Courses).
If your Homepage does not contain the Instructor Resources Brightspace area, navigate directly to the CSR tool.
Step 3
Select Course Site Request Tool (CSR).
Step 4
Log in to CSR with your UA NetID and password.
Step 5
Select Request a Development or Non-term site (non-credit bearing).
Step 6
Select Yes or No to indicate whether you need to enroll students in the course site.
Students may be added to non-credit bearing sites with the role Student Extra Enroll. This role has the same permissions as Student, but participants do not earn credit.
Step 7
Determine the contingent action:
- If you selected No in the previous Step, continue to Step 8.
- If you selected Yes in the previous Step, indicate whether all participants have NetIDs. If not all participants have NetIDs stop here and contact the Instructional Technology Team.
Step 8
Read and accept the course site agreement.
Step 9
Enter the Course Site Name.
Step 10
Select the Department.
Step 11
Select Submit.
CSR Troubleshooting
There are a number of factors that determine whether you can log in to CSR and request course sites. If you are experiencing login issues or do not see your course sites / sections to request, use the suggestions below.
You must be listed as Primary Instructor of the course in UAccess. If your department has recently updated your role in UAccess, please allow up to 12 hours for your information to be updated in CSR.
Step 1
Confirm that your employment status is Active and your NetID is working correctly. You can test this by logging into Brightspace.
Step 1a
Log into Brightspace. If you receive a message that you are not authorized because your NetID status isn't active, you will need to speak with your department's HR administrator to get your employment status updated to either "Active" status or 'Pre-Hire DCC" status.
Step 1b
Log into Brightspace. If you receive a message that "You have entered an invalid NetID or password”, try logging in again, ensuring that your Caps Lock isn't on if it isn't supposed to be. If you fail to log in 3 separate times, you will need to contact UITS — view the NetID management page (opens in new tab) or contact the 24/7 Support Center (opens in new tab) to confirm you have the correct UA NetID and/or to reset your password.
NetIDs are managed by University Information Technology Services (UITS), not by the Instructional Technology team at UCATT.
Step 2
Look to see if the course site has already been requested.
Step 2a
Select the View/Edit Requested Sites link.
- If the desired course site(s)/section(s) appear(s) in the list of requested sites, it means you or someone else assigned as 'Primary Instructor' for the course has already requested the Brightspace course site(s).
Step 3
Confirm that you are listed as the Primary Instructor for the course(s).
- If the desired course site(s)/section(s) do not appear as options to request or in the list of requested sites, it likely means you are not assigned to the section(s) in the 'Primary Instructor' role in UAccess. In this case, speak with the Room and Course Scheduling administrator in your department.
If you have done the troubleshooting steps listed above and still need access to the Brightspace Course Site Request tool, please contact the Instructional Technology Team.