Using Gradescope

What is Gradescope? 

Gradescope is a tool designed to streamline paper-based, digital, and code assignments. It supports bubble sheets, problem sets, and projects, as well as worksheets, quizzes, exams, and papers. Both analog and digital submissions can be graded using Gradescope’s responsive rubrics and adaptable feedback. Gradescope integrates with Brightspace, allowing grades to transfer from Gradescope to the Brightspace Gradebook.

  1. Create a Gradescope Course from Gradescope. Give it the same name as your Brightspace course.
  2. Create a Gradescope Assignment.
  3. Navigate to your Brightspace course site. Complete steps to Link to a Gradescope Assignment from Brightspace.
  4. Sync Your Brightspace Classlist to the Gradescope Roster.
  5. Navigate to your Brightspace course site Gradebook. Locate the Gradescope Grade Item. Edit the Grade Item as needed, e.g., move to Category and/or change weight order in list. The point value of the Brightspace Grade Item must match the point value assigned to the assignment in Gradescope.


The Gradescope mobile app is not available for Instructor workflows.

The Gradescope mobile app for students requires an OS version 13 or later for iOS devices and version 12 or later for Android devices.


To sync the Brightspace Classlist with the Gradescope Roster for the first time, you must establish a connection between the platforms. To do this Link to a Gradescope Assignment from Brightspace.

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Login to Gradescope

Step 1

Go to the Gradescope Homepage (opens in new tab) and select Log In.

Step 2

Select the option to log in with School Credentials.

Step 3

Scroll down and locate University of Arizona NetID. Select this option and sign in with your UA NetID and password.

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Create a Gradescope Course from Gradescope


For more information about Gradescope courses, refer to Gradescope Course Management (opens in new tab).

Step 1

From your Gradescope Dashboard, select Create a new course.

Step 2

Enter the following: Course Name, Number, and Term. It is recommended to enter the Course Name and Number exactly as it appears in your Brightspace course.

Step 3

Choose the Term.

Step 4

Ignore the Department; this field is not synced with Brightspace.

Step 5

Select Create Course. Your course will open in the Course Dashboard.

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Duplicate a Gradescope Course

Step 1

Log in to Gradescope and select the course you want to duplicate.

Step 2

Scroll to the bottom of the page and locate the Modify Course section.

Step 3

Select the Duplicate Course button.

Step 4

Enter the Term for the new course and the Start Dates (if not already there) and select Duplicate Course.


By default, Gradescope only shows two terms in the Dashboard. To access courses from other semesters, select See older courses.

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Create a Gradescope Assignment

Use the Gradescope Help Pages to assist you in creating Gradescope Assignment types.

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Step 1

Open your Brightspace course, then select Content from the Navbar.

Step 2

Navigate to the module where you want to place the Gradescope assignment link.

Step 3

Select the Existing Activities button, then choose Gradescope 1.3.

Step 4

If you have not yet connected your Gradescope course to your Brightspace site, you will be asked to select the Gradescope course that includes the assignment you want linked to Brightspace. If the course is already linked, proceed to Step 5.

Step 4a

In the Link With section, select An existing Gradescope course

Step 4b

Begin typing the title of the Gradescope course you want to link to.

Step 5

Within the Link to Brightspace Assignment window, under Link With, select An existing Gradescope assignment.

Step 6

Select Link Assignment.

This action creates two items in your Brightspace course site.

  • First, it creates a Content topic with a deep link to Gradescope. You can edit properties for this Content topic, such as dates and restrictions. When students select the link, it opens the Gradescope assignment in a new browser tab.
  • Second, this action creates a Brightspace Gradebook Grade Item. The Grade Item retains the title of the Gradescope assignment. The Max Points of the Grade Item match the Gradescope assignment, and the Association column indicates that the Grade Item comes from an External Learning Tool.

Step 7

Select Save and Close.

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Sync Your Brightspace Classlist to the Gradescope Roster


To sync the Brightspace Classlist with the Gradescope Roster for the first time, you must establish a connection between the platforms. Do this by Linking to a Gradescope Assignment from Brightspace.

Step 1

Go to Gradescope and open the course you want to sync.

Step 2

Select Roster from options on the left pane.

Step 3

Select the Sync Brightspace Roster button.

Step 4

Select the Sync Roster button in the sync options window. 

Step 5

When the sync completes, your Gradescope roster will match your Brightspace roster. TAs will sync to Gradescope as Instructors.


The  Gradescope roster does not continue to sync automatically. If new students are added to the Brightspace Classlist after your last sync, you must return to the Gradescope Roster option and re-sync.

Gradescope Troubleshooting


The University of Arizona contracts with Gradescope for support using this tool. The Instructional Technology Team can assist you in setting up Gradescope to integrate with your Brightspace course site and ensuring its connection to the Gradebook.

For further assistance Gradescope, please refer to the Gradescope Help Center (opens in new tab). Select the Email link in the upper right to open a ticket with Gradescope. It is helpful to include screenshots, Gradescope course information and a precise description of the issue you're encountering.

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