Honorlock: Instructor Guide for Third Party Exams
On this page:
This guide is for instructors using a testing platform other than Brightspace.
Access Honorlock
All users must access Honorlock from the link in their Brightspace course. The Honorlock link is usually found under UA Tools in the course's Navbar. If you do not see the link, view Insert Honorlock to Navbar.
Step 1
From the course's Navbar, select UA Tools then select Honorlock.
Register Exam
Step 1
Select the toggle menu to open the menu, then select Register Third Party Exam.
Step 2
Enter the exam details to match exactly as they appear on the third party platform.
- Exam Name
- Exam Start Date and Time
- Exam End Date and Time
- Exam Platform
- Platform Name (if applicable)
- Exam URL/Link (include http/https)
- Exam Password
Step 3
Within the Proctoring Settings section, choose the appropriate options to customize the exam experience. Select an option to enable or disable.

Proctor Settings Available
- Record Webcam: Records HD video of the exam taker's face and testing environment using their built-in webcam or external webcam. (Enabled by default)
- Record Screen: Records HD video of the exam taker's laptop or desktop screen.
- Record Web Traffic: Logs and monitors the browser activity in Google Chrome during the exam. (Enabled by default)
- Student Photo: Requires the exam taker to take a still picture prior to taking their exam. (Enabled by default)
- Student ID: Requires the exam taker to take a picture of their government-issued photo ID or CatCard with their webcam. Honorlock will ensure the name on the ID matches the name in D2L. (Enabled by default)
- Calculator: Allows a built-in online basic or scientific calculator (opens in a new tab) during the exam.
- Browser Guard: prevents access to additional applications outside of Google Chrome. Any attempt to access external applications will generate an automated flag. (Enabled by default)
- Disable Copy Paste: Prevents copying exam content and pasting it outside of the exam. This setting is also linked to any right click properties. (Enabled by default)
- Disable Printing: Prevents access to the browser print function to print or export exam content. (Enabled by default)
- Allowed Site URLs: Grants access to another Chrome tab to any sites added. It includes links to e-textbook, DESMOS for an online graphing calculator, or a link to any other web pages needed to complete the exam.
Step 4
Within the Student Guidelines section, choose the appropriate option to define what students can or can't do. The options are disabled by default. Select an option to enable or disable. To write course specific instructions, select + Show Additional Instructions.

Student Guidelines Available
- Open Book Allowed
- Notes Allowed
- Scratch Paper Allowed
- Restroom Breaks Allowed
- Handheld Calculator Allowed
- Headphones Allowed
- Hats Allowed
- Take Exam in Public Area
- Background Noise Allowed
- Mobile Phone Use Allowed
Step 5
Select the text box to write Additional Instructions. Use Additional Instructions to clarify or expand on Student Guidelines, or add course-specific instructions.
Student Guidelines and Additional Instructions will be visible to both test takers and proctors.
Step 6
Select the text box, type the student first and last name and then state the Accommodation detail, when applicable.
This section will only be visible to proctors.
Step 7
Select the Exam Visibility menu and choose between the options.
- No, use the dates on the exam to determine student view.
- Yes, always show the exam in the student view.
Regardless of the choice, students will not have access to the exam content prior to the testing window.

Step 8
Once all settings are selected, select the Create button.