Create a PlayPosit Bulb or Playlist

Create a Bulb

A Bulb is an interactive video created in PlayPosit. Transform your video into an interactive experience for students by embedding questions, images, audio, and other media elements.

Step 1

Access your PlayPosit instructor account. Instructions here: Access PlayPosit

Step 2

Navigate to PlayPosit's Knowledge Base: Building a Bulb in PlayPosit 3.0 (opens in a new tab). This comprehensive guide provides everything you need to create PlayPosit Bulbs.

Create a Playlist

A PlayPosit Playlist is a collection of media that can include Bulbs, documents, images, and other supplemental materials. Instructors have full control over the Playlist's structure and the learning pace.

Step 1

Access your PlayPosit instructor account. Instructions here: Access PlayPosit

Step 2

Navigate to PlayPosit's Knowledge Base: How to create and assign a playlist in PlayPosit (opens in a new tab). This comprehensive guide provides everything you need to create PlayPosit Playlists.

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