View a Panopto Video
There are two different types of viewers or players where you can watch a Panopto video, the interactive viewer and the embedded video viewer.
Interactive Viewer
When you access Panopto, either through the Panopto website or via Brightspace, and select a video to view, it will open in the interactive viewer.
You will be able to tell that you are within the interactive viewer because you will have access to many different interactive features, such as contents, captions, discussion, notes, bookmarks, multiple streams.
For detailed information about the many features of the interactive viewer, visit Panopto's Learn About the Features of the Video Viewer (opens in a new tab) support page.
Below is an image of what the interactive viewer looks like with multiple streams.
Embedded Video Viewer
Most often, when you view a Panopto video that has been embedded within your Brightspace course content you will be viewing it within the embedded video viewer.
Since embedded videos usually don't include a lot of room for real estate on a page, the embedded video viewer is designed to show you the video streams within most of the viewer and it hides the interactive features in icons or pop-up menus to save space.
For detailed information about the many features of the embedded video viewer, visit Panopto's Learn About the Features of the Embedded Video Viewer (opens in a new tab) support page.
Below is an image of what the embedded video viewer looks like with multiple streams.