Use Panopto Video or Quiz as Graded Activity in Brightspace
There are two ways you can insert a Panopto video into Brightspace for the purposes of grading.
Panopto videos (without a quiz) can be graded based on a percentage of the video viewed by the student and have that score reported back to the Brightspace course gradebook.
Panopto videos that have a quiz inserted can be graded based on the results of that quiz and have that score reported back to the Brightspace course gradebook.
Grade on Percentage Viewed
Panopto videos (without a quiz) can be graded based on a percentage of the video viewed by the student and have that score reported back to the Brightspace course gradebook. The following instructions cover how to insert a video for this particular grading purpose.
This method of insertion is to be used on videos that do not have an inserted quiz.
Step 1
Within Brightspace, navigate to your course and select Content from the course Navbar.
Step 2
If a content module has not been created yet for the course, then create one. Learn how at the Create Modules section of the Create Your Course Structure help page.
Step 3
Select the content module where you want the video to reside.
Step 4
Select Existing Activities, then select Panopto (Graded) in the dropdown menu options.
Step 5
The Add Activity window will appear with a pop-up window over it prompting you to select the grading method. Select Grade on % viewed. Select Continue.
Step 6
The default Panopto folder it shows videos for is the course you are in. If your video is located in a different folder you may need to select the dropdown option and choose a different folder. Choose the Panopto video you would like to embed by selecting the radio button to the left of the video.
Step 7
Select the Insert button.
Step 8
The video will be added to the content module as a new External Learning Tool.
There is a delay of three hours between when a student views a video and when the grade is sent to Brightspace.
Step 9
Now you will need to connect it to your course gradebook. Select the video title to open and view it.
Step 10
From this page, if desired you can select the video title to edit it.
Step 11
To sync the video percent viewed as a grade to the course Brightspace gradebook, in the Assessment section of the Activity Details, select Add a grade item or select a current one if it is already created.
- If no gradebook item is selected, one will be automatically created once a student completes watching the video. By default, the points will be scored out of 100 points.
- If a gradebook item is selected, the video percentage grade will be synced with the selected gradebook item. This will take 3 hours after the video has been started.
Step 12
Select Save to save the grade item connection.
Step 13
Select Grades from the course Navbar to see grades for all students who have taken the quiz so far.
Grade on Quiz Results
Panopto videos that have a quiz inserted can be graded based on the results of that quiz and have that score reported back to the Brightspace course gradebook. The following instructions cover how to insert a video for this particular grading purpose.
This method requires a quiz to be included within the Panopto video. Visit Add a Quiz to a Panopto Video to learn how to add a quiz. If you have a Panopto video that includes a quiz, you can follow the steps below to insert it into a Brightspace course content module and have the quiz scores export to the course gradebook.
- Each question within a quiz will be worth 1 point. There is no ability to change how much a question is worth.
- If you have multiple quizzes in a video, Panopto will report a total combined score of all quizzes to the Brightspace course gradebook.
- Viewers must complete ALL quizzes within the video for a score to be submitted to the Brightspace course gradebook.
Step 1
First within Panopto, you must prepare a Panopto video with a quiz if you haven't already. You can follow instructions at Add a Quiz to a Panopto Video to do this.
Step 2
Within Brightspace, navigate to your course and select Content from the course Navbar.
Step 3
If a content module has not been created yet for the course, then create one. Learn how at the Create Modules section of the Create Your Course Structure help page.
Step 4
Select the content module where you want the video to reside.
Step 5
Select Existing Activities, then select Panopto (Graded) in the dropdown menu options.
Step 6
A pop-up window will appear before you can select and insert a video. To ensure that the quiz is graded, select Grade on quiz results. Select Continue.
Step 7
The default Panopto folder it shows videos for is the course you are in. If your video is located in a different folder you may need to select the dropdown option and choose a different folder. Choose the Panopto video you would like to embed by selecting the radio button to the left of the video.
Step 8
Select the Insert button.
Step 9
This will add the quiz to the content module as a new External Learning Tool. Now you will need to connect it to your course gradebook. Select the video title to open and view it.
Step 10
From this page, if desired you can select the video title to edit it.
Step 11
To sync the quiz grades to the course Brightspace gradebook, in the Assessment section of the Activity Details, select Add a grade item or select a current one if it is already created.
- If no gradebook item is selected, one will be automatically created once a student completes ALL quizzes that are in the video. By default, the quiz will be scored out of 100 points.
- If a gradebook item is selected, the quiz grades will be synced with the selected gradebook item. This may take a moment to update after submitting a quiz.
Step 12
Select Save to save the grade item connection.
Step 13
Select Grades from the course Navbar to see grades for all students who have taken the quiz so far.
You can also view quiz results directly in Panopto if you have students saying they took the quiz but didn't receive a grade. You can view the stats in Panopto to verify what Panopto recorded as data. To learn more, visit Panopto's support page on Viewing Quizzing Results (opens in a new tab).