Change the Video Source in a Bulb

Instructional Steps

Step 1

Access your PlayPosit instructor account (learn how to Access PlayPosit) and navigate to My Bulbs.

Step 2

From within your PlayPosit Dashboard, select the Bulb thumbnail or the triple dot menu near the name of the Bulb. Select Edit from the menu.

Bulb thumbnail menu

Step 3

Select the Edit button from the pop-up that appears. This will take you to the Designer.

Step 4

Within the Designer, select the Video Segments tab to view all the videos hosted in the Bulb.

Step 5

Select the video you want to replace or the pencil icon near the video you want to replace to open the video editor.

Video Segments interface

Step 6

Within the editor, select the dropdown menu with the current video source. For example, if you're streaming a YouTube video, the field would read Current YouTube video.

Video Source interface

Step 7

Select the new video source from the dropdown menu. The video will process and initialize. Once the video is processed and pulled into PlayPosit, the title, captions, Bulb thumbnail, and trimming/cropping of the video can be edited. When all desired edits have been made to the video, select Done. This will return you to the Bulb Designer, where you can add additional video segments and interactions.


Please note that changing the video source will not change the timing of any interactions in the Bulb. Be sure to review the Bulb and adjust the interactions if necessary.

If you're editing a Bulb in a live course, please review PlayPosit Knowledge Base: What happens when I change a bulb after learners take it? (opens in a new tab)

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